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Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Time Crunch, Wrapping Up

Closing In On The End Of 2022 Fall Semester

    The bittersweet ending of 2022 Fall semester has lead me to the end of this road.  Standing at this new fork in the road comes with having to make choices to start the next new journey in my life.  

    I learned that everyone has strengths and weaknesses.  This semester challenged me in ways I had no idea I could be challenged.  I struggled emotionally, physically and mentally, but I also made many amazing accomplishments.  Perseverance was my strength, lack of self confidence was my weakness.  It was worth the struggle to get to where I stand now with all I have achieved.

    As I close this chapter in my journey, I start a new one with positive thoughts and hope my journey will continue on till there is nothing else to accomplish.

    I leave the 2022 Fall Semester with a haiku I wrote.

Haiku by Silvia Heredia-Garcia
Created by Silvia Heredia-Garcia

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Slide Master, Powerful Tool.

 Chapter 6, PowerPoint Slide masters

    The most important knowledge I obtained from PowerPoint is the Slide Masters.  This is a powerful tool that helps save a lot of time when formatting and adding specific layouts to presentations.  For example, when you have the slide master open, you can select the text box of a title and select the font type, size, and color you want.  It will set the same format to all slide titles.  You can add predetermined backgrounds, pictures, or logos to one or all slides before starting with data entry to the slides in normal view.

    When you work in the Slide Master, you can add placeholders for content, text, pictures, charts, tables, smart art, media or online images as well as manage the header and footers of the slides.  The theme and colors can be added or modified as well before beginning the presentation.