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Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Time Crunch, Wrapping Up

Closing In On The End Of 2022 Fall Semester

    The bittersweet ending of 2022 Fall semester has lead me to the end of this road.  Standing at this new fork in the road comes with having to make choices to start the next new journey in my life.  

    I learned that everyone has strengths and weaknesses.  This semester challenged me in ways I had no idea I could be challenged.  I struggled emotionally, physically and mentally, but I also made many amazing accomplishments.  Perseverance was my strength, lack of self confidence was my weakness.  It was worth the struggle to get to where I stand now with all I have achieved.

    As I close this chapter in my journey, I start a new one with positive thoughts and hope my journey will continue on till there is nothing else to accomplish.

    I leave the 2022 Fall Semester with a haiku I wrote.

Haiku by Silvia Heredia-Garcia
Created by Silvia Heredia-Garcia


  1. Perseverance is indeed your strength ^_^

    May your self-confidence build up with all that you have accomplished in IS101-3012, Fall 2022!

    There is still a week left before you depart for your vacation. You can persevere and accomplish even more :-)

  2. Haikus are fun
    They keep my food nice and fresh

  3. I agree with you, the end of this semester is bittersweet. I wish you the best in everything that you do.

  4. No matter how difficult the road ahead, I believe in your ability! Take 6 courses a semester and pass! Only you can do that!

  5. You have definitely accomplished a lot with taking 6 classes in one semester. You are amazing! You inspire me to challenge myself, and push myself out of my comfort zone.

  6. I've always wanted to make a haiku, but I always can't seem to find the right words. Yours was formed very beautifully. This truly is a bittersweet ending because I actually enjoyed this semester a bit. May next semester be the end-all be-all to finishing strong and obtaining your certification!

  7. I can only imagine the emotions you went through this semester but you made it, Silvia. You made it!

  8. Congratulations on making it through this semester and IS101-3012.

  9. Haiku definitely use a drink right now after reading all the comments. Just kidding.
