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Monday, August 29, 2022

First Day of IS101-3012 Fall 2022

FIRST DAY OF CLASS IS 101-3012 Fall 2022 

First Days Are the Best Because They Are Always Great Beginnings.


    Today is the first day of this exciting course and I have already virtually met my instructor, Albert Wu.  He has already helped me get a little head start to the course which I am very grateful for because I do like to stay ahead of the work just in case something happens in the future during the semester.


    I am excited to learn everything and earn my certifications and I am definitely going to give my 200% to this class.


  1. It was great to meet you via WebEx, Silvia :-)

    Your excitement is contagious!

    Welcome to IS101-3012, Fall 2022 ^_^

  2. I agree with you, and I like to get things done first. It gives you more time to troubleshoot errors and prepare for the next step. I think the new semester, we help each other, will be able to complete each other's established goals.

  3. I agree with your statement "First Days Are the Best Because They Are Always Great Beginnings." The feeling of something new being started is a great feeling, specially if there is an end goal.

  4. Silvia, I am so glad you find first days exciting. I on the other hand not so much. I find them to be the hardest because I don't know what I am in for just yet. I need time to settle in as well. Good luck to all of us. I hope your first week went well.

  5. I agree with everyone on the first day, exciting to see everyone and learn the expectations of the Professor and the class. Looking forward to a great semester.

  6. I really like how you colorized the heading of your post, it adds a lot of personality! I wish you luck on your certifications and that you get to the finish line standing tall.

  7. I do like the matrix code as the background, brings back memories of watching the first film in theaters.

  8. I wish you luck on your certifications. I hope your semester goes the way you want it!

  9. It's great to have a professor so dedicated to his work and his students. Even though our workload is a lot I also like to stay ahead of the game.

  10. Yes the first day is always exciting although it can definitely feel a bit overwhelming as well. I am also looking forward to accomplishing the end goals we've set for ourselves!

  11. My 200% that's, a great point of view I hope we can all get there. Looking forward to this semester.

  12. Wonderful that you indicate using your 200% rather than 100%! It shows your determination, and I wish you the best on your certifications.

  13. As I get older the first day of school takes on new meanings. When I was a kid it was all about the excitement of reuniting with old friends, meeting new ones, and even new teachers. Now that I'm grown it's a little less about the excitement of what was and more about the different places what I'm learning can take me and how I can apply it to get the best out of life I possibly can.

  14. I love that you're gonna give this class 200% and sound very driven to attain your certifications. I hope your drive and optimistic attitude rubs off on me too.

  15. Reading that you're going to give this class everything you've got truly demonstrates your personality, which is admirable—especially given that we got the chance to come back to school in person and not everyone has that sort of self-confidence.

  16. Good Luck on getting your certifications and give it all you got.

  17. Thank you or this Blog, this was just the inspiration I needed.

  18. I agree with you Silvia!, Mr. Wu is a good professor, he is a very dedicated teacher who wants everyone to be successful in his class.

  19. I agree, Mr. Wu has been helpful and is very patient with his students.
