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Saturday, September 3, 2022

First In-Person Class


    There you have it, the class script has been preached and taught to all of us by Instructor Wu.  Now that everyone, except one person that didn't show up for the first day of in person class, knows exactly what is expected of us and what we as students can expect from our instructor.  My opinion is that there is no excuse for not doing the work.  I think all of you, if not, most of you can agree with me when I say, failure is not an option here.

    Today marked a great milestone for all of us and we are all one day closer to obtaining our Microsoft Office certificate(s).

    Thank you Instructor Wu for being a dedicated teacher.  I personally am grateful for the opportunity you gave us today to correct our errors and resubmit our work as well as answering all our questions.  Most instructors will not go that extra step to ensure their student's success.  Don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say that those instructors are not good at their jobs.  All of my instructors have been great, but depending on the class, they are not all able to do what you have done for us so far and what you will do for us throughout the course of this semester.

I look forward to seeing you all next week.  Enjoy your Labor Day weekend and stay safe!


  1. Glad to see the class script is resonating with you :-)

    Yes, failure is not an option!

    Thank you for recognizing the extra steps I take for my students ^_^

  2. Silvia, the expectations were definitely set. Mr. Wu is not playing games and wants us to succeed. I agree with you that most instructors will not go the extra step to help us ensure success in their course. This semester will be great!

  3. I'm afraid I have to disagree with you more. For the first class absentees, they are missing more than just one class. It is also an opportunity and time to master systematic learning methods. I hope they will come later and find their own learning methods as soon as possible.

  4. Could not agree more. Failure is never an option. We continue to strive to be better.

  5. I am glad to be in this class, failing is never an option.

  6. Well said. Yes the fact he takes his time out of his personal life to help us succeed no matter what time it is. Failure is not an option, Thank you Professor Wu

  7. I agree with you Silvia, failure is not an option. Along with Mr. Wu, I think there are a lot of bright and intelligent students in our class that will motivate us to succeed.

  8. I also agree about the class script. Also I agree with you about Professor Wu being a dedicated teacher and mentor.

  9. You said it! Failure is definitely not an option. I am also grateful for the opportunities to mend our mistakes.

  10. Revising my Task 1 email with him on WebEx helped a lot for the future, especially outside of class projects. I normally ignore grammatical suggestions that Outlook underlines in blue—I only ever use it when I need help spelling because I'm pretty confident in using punctuation correctly. However, when he told me to go with Outlook's suggestion, I found that my words flow much more smoothly. I also now have Alt+Tab etched in my brain.

    1. Thank you for validating my A1 Accounts Setup and Professional Communication ^_^

      I am proud to see you not only learned to no longer ignore the suggestion from the blue lines but gained the confidence to go outside Outlook's suggestions :-)

      Very glad to hear Alt-Tab is now etched in your brain and you practice using it!

  11. I agree with you! Failure should never be an option or an idea. We must be the very best we can be, persevere!

  12. I agree with the idea that you stated that instructors differ in terms of the subject they teach, but I also wanted to add that they differ in the sense of their enthusiasm for it. Someone who feels compelled to teach a particular subject will undoubtedly be stricter than those who actually understand the subject they teach.

  13. I am also grateful for the opportunity to correct my original mistakes!

  14. I agree. We have no reason to fail. Mr. Wu takes the time to help us succeed.

  15. I agree, although it has been difficult for me to keep up, you are exactly right. I know I can do more to ensure that i stay caught up with everyone else.

  16. I for one can say that I am very appreciative of Mr. Wu taking the time to make sure we are getting the work not only done, but done correctly and that we are retaining the knowledge he is presenting and teaching.

  17. Indeed, from my own experience, there are different teachers that would not go the extra step in helping their students. Instructor Wu is great example of a teacher when it comes to helping students.

  18. I agree, thank you professor for taking that extra step with us.

  19. Getting down to business and shaking off that break funk is tough, lets all keep our chins up as we hit the books.
