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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Chapter 3.1.8 Desktop vs. Web Applications and Chapter 4.3 Modifying Fonts

There is no right or wrong, just preference.

Chapter 3 Topic:

    3.1.8 Desktop vs. Web Applications

Web applications are good for when people are traveling.  Personally, I prefer desktop applications because they have better working features than web applications do.  Web applications are a temporary solution because they can’t be used when there is no internet available, such as on planes.  That can be difficult if someone has a deadline.  Desktop applications can literally be used anywhere as long as they are installed on a portable device; they don’t need to be constantly connected to the internet, except when saving to the cloud.

Chapter 4 Topic:

    4.3 Modifying Fonts

I think you can agree with me when I say that fonts are so much fun to work with, if you are a creative soul like me.  Customized invitations for all kinds of events were one of my specialties while my kids were growing up so fonts were and still are my favorite thing to work with.  For this blog, I’ve had to tone down my creativity to reflect a more professional look.  As can be seen, my posts are now uniform and not all mixed with many fonts. All in all, I am still being creative here and I am enjoying the freedom to explore different options.


  1. Only one topic is required from both chapters :-)

    I prefer desktop applications over web applications for the same reason you stated: ability to work offline.

    At the time of this comment, you blog design is the most creative and polished!

    I like your creative use of different font colors in some of your posts' title ^_^

  2. Have to agree about the fonts. I am having a blast learning all this stuff. I used to just go trial and error. I am like a kid in a candy store.

  3. I agree, working with fonts is fun, especially working on flyers and invitations. Your blog looks very vibrant and professional.

  4. I haven't really explore with fonts cause I tend to use my phone a lot. I try to keep simple and be able to read, so for me web application is awesome for me.

  5. I, too, prefer desktop applications opposed to web applications. I like that I don't have to be online to do work in Word or Excel.
    I just noticed that you do a "Word of the Day" on your blog. Love it! I love learning new words. The new word I learned today while reading an article at work is KLEPTOCRAT.

  6. I also like the convenience these apps bring us. In particular, these apps make us feel contemporary like never before.

  7. I just now figured out how to fully customize my Blogger profile and I have to say, it really is easy to get carried away with fonts if you're a very creative person. I was actually looking at your profile for inspiration when giving mine a makeover because you were the first person I saw utilizing different fonts!

  8. Fonts definitely allow a user to showcase their creativity

  9. Given the choice between desktop and web applications, desktop for the win! I am definitely not a fan of having to depend on an internet connection to complete certain tasks.

  10. I also prefer desktop applications. It is convenient to be able to use them anywhere without depending on the internet.

  11. I prefer desktop application for the same reason. They do not need to be constantly connected to the internet.

  12. I love working with fonts. I specialize in calligraphy when I am note-taking and I can say it is so aesthetically pleasing looking at my work.

  13. Blogger wont let you play with the fonts in the text box :/ Just tried using webdings and it only gave me this . As for web apps I do have a few ideas I wouldn't mind making.

  14. I also find myself getting creative with fonts as well, they can really add some spice to whatever your working on.

  15. I definitely prefer desktops applications. They are safer and more reliable.

  16. Honestly I never change my fonts often. I use Times New Roman and Calibri 99% of the time.

  17. I agree that desktop programs operate more quickly than web programs, and they are also more reliable because web programs frequently crash since you are using a browser.

  18. I agree with you, desktop applications are more convenient and easy to use rather than web applications.

  19. I prefer the desktop application because there are features that are not always available with the online program not having to worry about your internet connection to get things done relieves some of the stress as well.
