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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Brag But Don't Brag

Keep The Accomplishments Coming!

    The purpose of this blog post is not entirely to "BRAG," but in a small way it is.  If that doesn't make sense to you by now, let me explain.  

    When I was a young child in school, I lacked the desire to be successful in school.  Not because I didn't try.  I had good grades all the way through high school.  My mother wasn't always an enthusiastic person who got happy to see my good grades.  Her response was always, "you could do much better."  Regardless of my good grades which were mostly A's, B's, and an occasional C, it was not good enough.  She might have been right, I could do much better.  Coming from a time where parent's weren't directly involved in kid's education and when kids fended for themselves, (latchkey kids) I believed it was the best I could do.

    This gave me a mindset that it didn't matter how much I tried or how well I did, I'd never make anyone proud of me for doing my best; therefore, I shouldn't try so hard.

    Being back in college has taught me that the only person I need to make proud of me, is ME.  The only person I can brag to about my accomplishments, is ME.  Sure, I can tell family or friends that I am doing great in college, but they are not really going to care.  After all, my accomplishments are not going to affect them in the long run.  Only ME! 

    The point I am trying to make is that even though there might not be anyone to brag to about your accomplishments, you always have YOU.  Brag to yourself, be proud of yourself.  And occasionally brag to the world that you are doing great things even if it doesn't affect them directly.  It doesn't make a person egotistical or self-centered.  It let's people know that we are proud of what we are accomplishing.

    With that being said,  as you know, I had a long project that some of you participated in.  The survey was for a professional report assignment.  I am grateful to those who took the time to participate by the way.  The second part of the assignment was a presentation which I completed.  I have my results from both assignments which I am very proud of and I want to share them with you all.

Canvas grades for professional report and presentation
Graded Professional Report and Presentation Remarks.

    I was excited to see my results; therefore, I am proud of myself.  Those of you who took the time to participate are also the result of my grade.  I couldn't have done it without you.

My next brag, but not brag is my successful pass on my PowerPoint Presentation exam which I took this past Sunday.  This was the easy one.


  1. A little bragging is good, especially when the accomplishment is a long project with many participants :-)

    Yes, MO-300 PowerPoint is an easy one. I hope you will go on to earn more MOS certificates ^_^

    Thank you for showing me your beautiful presentation from this long project. Maybe you will trim it down to make it suitable to present as the Optional Assignment 10: Improved Slideshow Presentation for IS101?

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Your efforts and achievements let me know that you are an excellent student, but also an incredible mother!

  3. I grew up the same, minus the good grades part. Because I had to fend for myself, I just gave up entirely and college is now teaching me to put in the work. And yes, I am majorly struggling but the beauty of it is that I'm growing to enjoy learning. (*sigh* I still hate math, but it's becoming more tolerable now) Great job on your assignments! Your survey was beautifully crafted. Thank you for sharing your personal stories and thoughts, I found them to be very relatable and motivational.

  4. Bragging is good but when you tell family yes it like they don't care but when you put it on social media and they see all the stuff you doing now they have something to talk about. Good or bad publicity is always a good thing cause they are talking about you. I have the same issue with my family so I don't really talk to them but when I see them they are in awe with all of my accomplishment. Now they ask questions and your the center of attention.

  5. I've been posting my grades of A's and B's to my family throughout this year in college as a reminder that people can improve. I used to have horrible grades in middle-high school but college is a complete 180.

  6. Recognizing our own achievements is a must because nobody will know the sleepless nights and effort we put into our schoolwork. You are doing great, this semester is almost over.

  7. Congrats on passing the exam! It's good to learn as much as you can.

  8. I don't think it's bragging when you're proudly letting everyone know your accomplishments. You put in the hard work and now can reap the fruits of success. Great job on finishing this semester strong!

  9. You have every right to brag, girl! You earned it.

  10. latchkey kid, I know that feeling. Silvia thank you for sharing your mindset on this and presenting your accomplishments in a shape/form that you are proud of.

  11. I totally agree with you on this one. I myself was a latchkey kid as well growing up. If anyone ever though I was bragging or being self centered, I never really paid attention. With my mentality, it has gotten this far in life, especially going back to school and completing what I set out to do. I comment anyone on the same journey from a different starting point. Cheers!!!

  12. Fantastic and proud to be a part of your accomplishment. Great job.
