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Thursday, November 3, 2022

Close Your Eyes and Let Go

 What Are You Afraid Of?

        The younger version of myself was trapped in constant fear because no matter what life brought, it brought fear with every step.  It kept me from seeing and achieving my true reality and the greatest version of myself I could have been.

    Life has taught me that fear holds us back from accomplishing many things.  Fear keeps us from realizing our visions and full potentials.  Fear keeps our inner critics alive and our excuses valid reasons for failure.  Fear makes us surrender to lesser greatness and can lead to isolation and depression.

    As the years pass, I continue to learn ways on how to let go of my fears.  Letting go of my fears is a lot of work, but believe me, it is worth it. 

    My biggest fear, like many of us is failure.  In my reality, I've learned that failure doesn’t mean the end of the road.  It doesn’t mean I have to stop trying.  Fear doesn’t mean that I can’t try again and succeed.  It means that I have to try harder, I have to stop my inner critic from negative talk, I have to stop lying to myself, and that I have to hold myself accountable for my actions.  It also means that I can positively reassure myself that everything is going to be okay and quitting is not an option.  I stand strong with that as you all might know by now.

    I love watching TED talk videos.  The first of two most inspiring videos I relate to on this topic is by Isaac Lidsky.  If any of you are familiar with the late 1980s to early 1990s show, “Saved by the Bell,” Isaac played as Weasel Wyzell in the show.  That was one of my favorite TV shows, so to see him as an inspirational speaker, WOWed me to the bone.

    In this video, Isaac Lidsky talks about the struggles with fears and how he overcame his.  I hope you are ready to be surprised by him.


    The second most inspiring video I relate to is a more recent one by Dan Harris, a former anchor and correspondent for ABC News.  He talks about his journey to improving himself and his relationships with others and his journey to challenge his demons and how he overcame them.


    Moral of my story, be kind to yourself, let go of your fears, become the greatest you you can be.  For most of our lives, we firmly believe that we know what we want in the future but don't lie to yourself, because believe me, you don't.  Life changes at every turn and adaptability is our best friend.


  1. Thank you for a wonderful example of and how to overcome

    "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." -- Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), 32 president of the U.S.A.


    I will check out the two TED talk videos ^_^

  2. I'll make sure to watch both TED talks tonight. I was so interested 1 minute into Isaac Lidsky's video, but I thought this would be more relaxing to watch when winding down at night.

    "Life goes on and I know it will break me; honestly, I feel weird to feel alright." Reading your post greatly reminded me of one particular verse from a song I've been listening to (idk why I'm so into deep songs now that the weather's getting colder), and I feel that that facing failure is rooted into that specific lyric. And shoutout to "Try Again" by Aaliyah!!! It's beautiful to see the many methods used to overcome fears. For some, it may be an inspirational figure, and for some, it might be keeping close to comfort such as a pet or a lucky charm.

  3. The last paragraph of your blog successfully struck a chord with me!
    Let go of your fears and move forward!

  4. Silvia, your post was very motivating. Fear of failure was also my biggest fear. I learned to accept that everything will be okay.

  5. It is relevant that you chose to write your blog on fear. I am currently going through a lot of change currently. "...adaptability is our best friend."

  6. In my COM 101 class my instructor has us watching TED talks that deal with the speech structure, over coming anxiety, and body language. These videos really help develop a persons presentation skills.

  7. For me, the meaning of fear is the absence of what you want most. Being kind to myself and others have always been a way of life. In the past, I had a fear of what others saw me as. Currently, I feel that I have overcome that absence of confidence in myself by practicing loving myself, meditation, practicing mental clarity, cleansing any negative thoughts. Replacing the fear with the abundance mindset has helped me in the last decade. Everyone has their own way to overcome fear. Otherwise, are you afraid of the dark? hahaha just kidding.

  8. I love this post Silvia. I agree with "be kind to yourself" because I've learned that I'm my biggest critic. I hold myself to a high standard in everything I do and sometimes it can get stressful because I know what I am capable of, and if I don't accomplish a goal within the timeline I have set for myself then I feel like a failure. But in those times, I have to remember to be kind to myself. Just because it didn't happen in the time I wanted it to, doesn't mean I still can't make it happen.

  9. Adaptability is our best friend. I agree with Mayra, this one was potent.

  10. Agreed. May I add a little fear sometimes is a great motivator. I sometimes keep it in my back pocket.

  11. Very motivating post. Being able to overcome fear and moving forward is a tough thing to do.

  12. The one TedTalk that stuck with me is that you can learn anything in 20 hours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MgBikgcWnY

  13. We all experience fears, thus this post is really intriguing. As you stated at the outset, if we choose to live with fear, it becomes a barrier in our daily lives. We are willing to take on more possibilities and challenges the more we attempt to face fear.
