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Saturday, October 29, 2022

Business Reports


Using Microsoft Word and Excel

    The biggest assignment of my entire college career is to create a corporate style informational report.  It is a two week project that entails using Microsoft Word and Excel.  Then, the following week's assignment is to create a ten minute PowerPoint presentation based on information from the report.  These two assignments are so exciting for me because they will allow me to use my creativity in a professional manner and expand on the knowledge of what I have already learned in IS 101-3012.

There are many elements that have to go into this assignment.  For example:

  • Report Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary or Abstract/Synopsis
  • Introduction or History
  • Body of Information
  • Graphics (pictures, graphs and charts)
  • Primary Research (survey or questionnaire created by me)
  • Secondary Research (comparable date from other sources)
  • Summary or analysis
  • References

    My biggest challenge with this assignment was creating the survey to fit my topic.  The rest is going to be fairly easy.  It is only a matter of organizing all my data and formatting the report using the Word features and using Excel to create my graphs and charts based on my survey or questionnaire results, then using PowerPoint to create my presentation.

    Will you kindly participate in my survey to help a fellow student out? Copy and past the link into your browser to complete the survey.  


It is short and should take no more than 10 minutes of your valuable time.

     Going into week 10 of the semester, I know things were pretty chaotic at the beginning, now that I have finished with two classes an started my two new classes, I feel less stressed out and I am so excited to see the final product of these assignments.  



  1. I'll participate in your questionnaire or survey :-)

    So glad to see you will be able to use the skills you learned so far in IS101-3012 and apply them to another class!

    Good thing you volunteered to present your slideshow early instead of waiting until later in the semester when you get to Chapter 6 Microsoft PowerPoint ^_^

  2. I really admire your perseverance and courage! If I also choose 6 courses, I will definitely not finish as well as you! I think you are the best time management master in our class!

  3. I just completed your questionnaire/survey at the start of class :) it was very fun. Good luck on your assignments, I know you'll do really well on them.

  4. I've looked into 8 week courses as a way to complete my degree earlier. Just how chaotic is having 4 8-week courses?

    1. I think it just depends on the course. For example my Business Law class was the worst. My Management class was easy. In either case, the work is condensed into 8 weeks and it is easier to fall behind if you miss even 1 assignment. If you have the perseverance, you can do it. Make sure to split your 8 week courses between 8 wk 1 and 8 wk 2.

  5. I completed your questionnaire. Best of luck with your assignment.

    1. Thank you Saul. Your participation is greatly appreciated.

  6. Very impressive work you have done. I strive to be as creative as I can be. Great job on creating a survey through Google docs.

  7. Thank you Liz. I appreciate your participation.

  8. This assignment seems very time consuming! I went ahead and participated in your survey too. :-)

  9. I participated for you. Hope it will help.

  10. You are truly an inspiration! I completed your survey and can tell that you put a lot of thought into it. Let your creativity shine in your report and presentation! You did an amazing job on your PowerPoint presentation in IS-101, so I have no doubt that you'll do great with this one as well.

  11. Seems like a very big assignment. Good luck with it.

  12. Wow that sounds daunting, Im glad that you found an good application of the skills we are learning.

  13. I haven't done your survey yet but give me some time i will get it done asap.

  14. I sincerely hope you did well on that assignment, it looks fun and difficult. Given your familiarity with Microsoft and Excel and your knowledge of some of its tricks, these two programs will be of great assistance to you.
