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Saturday, October 22, 2022

What's Lost Is Lost.

It's Been A Long Week Of Recovery

Entering week 9 with a positive outcome.

    As a kid in school, perfect grades were not my top priority.  Believe it or not, perfect attendance was.  I don't know why, but good grades were my second goal.  If I was sick, I was still in school.  Back then, teachers did not send kids home if they were sick, unless they threw up.  It didn't matter how I got to school, I got there.  And yes, I did have great grades.  What's weird, I hated school, but I always wanted to be there.

    Ever since I came back to college, my grades are my top priority, but my attendance is still a top priority for me.  So far, I've had perfect attendance until this past Saturday.  There was no way I was gong to make it.  I was so sick, I ended up in the hospital for a couple of days.  Devastated that my perfect attendance record is gone didn't make it easier.  But I realized, this is the reason I worked so hard to get ahead in my studies.  My "falling behind barrier" came into good use.  Luckily, I am still slightly ahead.  I've recovered well enough to get back to classes and I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday.

    Passing the halfway mark of the semester with two completed finals and ready for the next two classes.


  1. Glad to hear you are on the recovery road, Silvia :-)

    It took a hospital stay to break your perfect attendance. Attendance is secondary to actual progress!

    Your "falling behind barrier" is still strong as you are still more than just a little ahead. See you in the classroom this Saturday ^_^

  2. Oh Silvia! I'm glad you are feeling better. Grades and attendance are secondary to your health. And you are right, having a "falling behind barrier" makes things manageable should a situation like this arise.

  3. I’m glad you are feeling much better. Having a “falling behind barrier” is much needed.

  4. I like our Saturday class time with everyone too. Unfortunately I will be missing one Saturday this semester too cause of work. Glad you had recovered from your illness. I'll see everyone the following Saturday.

  5. You are always a good student in my heart! I hope you are well! Physical health is more important!

  6. Good idea on having a "falling behind barrier" luckily in this class we can work ahead unlike my other courses.

  7. Glad you are feeling better. Good thing you had a "falling behind barrier".

  8. I know the feeling of wanting things to be perfect but life happens.

  9. Stay healthy is number 1. You can recover anything. Stay positive as you do and everything will work out.

  10. Having a "falling behind barrier" is well thought out. I almost always never get sick, but I got sick around the same time as you for the first time in forever. I had a COVID-19 scare because I lost my sense of smell and taste for a short while, but it luckily was just a cold. Stay healthy! :)

  11. I understand the hardships when getting sick and not able to work or study. I myself would fall behind in school if it were to happen to me. Glad you were able to recover immediately.

  12. Happy you are feeling well! I completely understand the "perfect attendance" thing. It is such a horrid feeling when your streak gets ruined, but we are all human. We were not born to be superhuman. I am happy you were able to catch up.

  13. I grew up in a really challenging family. Grades were not a top priority for us, but they were an important component of success; if you do well in school, you'll do well in life. As you stated, as one's education level rises, you begin to put in more effort and see more significant improvements.
