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Sunday, October 2, 2022

So close!

MO-100 Certification Exam, Here I come.

I am hoping that within the next two days, I will have completed my MO-100 exam.  I've just finished my Microsoft Word Practice - Form A practice test.  I'll be finishing Form B shortly after this post is published.

I'm excited that I'm so close.  Getting my MO certifications has been a long time goal for me, but I was never able to on my own.


To those of you who have already completed your exam, congratulations and good luck on the Excel exam.  I am right behind you.


  1. Keep up the hard work Silvia, you are slightly ahead of schedule :-)

    You excitement is infectious!

    You will succeed in passing MO-100 certification exam and earn your MOS Word badge ^_^

  2. You got this Silvia! Your hard work and dedication will pay off.

  3. Yes Silvia! You got this! Your hard work will finally come to fruition and you will be one step closer to attaining all your MO certifications.

  4. Great Job, Keep it going. All your hard work is paying off.

  5. You study so hard that you are sure to pass the exam! Good luck with your exam!

  6. I have really bad anxiety and stage fright. When I took the test I just got home from work and wasn't expecting of taking it at all but I did. You can ask Professor Wu how I was when taking the test, he will tell you all about it. All in all I passed the test. One key pointer I do have to give is no matter what, make sure you have enough time to submit your test. You don't want all that time to be a wasted time. Cause if you don't submit it, it doesn't count.

  7. You got this, keep up the good work.

  8. Congratulations Sylvia on passing your MO-100 exam. Time to progress into the next course.

  9. I am sure you passed this by now! I am sure you did great. :-)

  10. We did it! Now onto Excel. Yay... :') It's completely new territory for me. Good luck in your coursework to MO-200!

  11. Yea that Exam was fun be warned that some of those questions are fiddly and the interface may have to be played with.

  12. I hope it went well for you! Onto Excel next.

  13. GO GO! You can do it. Doubt and Fear are unforgiving powers, and when our thoughts or words line up with them, they will take effect. Stay positive, you definitely got this. I see you successful.

  14. Hopefully you were able to reach your goal!

  15. Good job Silvia!! I hope everything went well, and just like you, we all share the same goal on accomplishing this task.

  16. Keep up the great work! I hope everything went in your favor! I know you will pass!!
