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Saturday, October 8, 2022

Presentation and Pushing Forward

Explosion Of Creativity, Getting Ahead, Staying on Track

Welcome to week seven of the Fall 2022 Semester everyone! 

We are just about half way done.

As we all know, Mr. Wu requires us to perform professionally, so when he asked us to do the presentation, my initial instinct was to do it professionally.  In a professional presentation, it is suggested to keep transitions to a minimum or at least consistent and to minimize animations.  Little to my surprise, Mr. Wu suggested I add some creativity to my presentation (not in those exact words of course).  I was excited! I was given the opportunity to let my creativity explode again. 😊  My final draft of the presentation gave me an opportunity to explore my creativity with the slides.  Originally I added transitions but were all consistent and there was maybe one or two animations.  Mr. Wu edited the transitions to alternate in different directions and I added the finishing touches with the animations to the company logos and titles.  This was a fun project.  Thank you Mr. Wu.

So, I've been hesitant to post about this because I feel that I could have done a lot better.  Nonetheless, I did take the MO-100 exam and passed.  Even though I passed, I don't feel content because, I'll be honest, I suck at taking exams.  I didn't score as high as I wanted and hoped to, but the point is that I did my best and did pass.  

Now that MO-100 is behind me, I've moved on to Chapter 5 (Excel).  As of this post, I am slightly ahead of schedule and hope to stay ahead.  Not because I am rushing, but its an opportunity for me to create a "falling behind barrier" you could say.  Right now, I'm close to finishing two of my 6 classes and I have more tests and exams coming up within the next couple of weeks, then my last 2 classes begin.  So staying ahead even by a little will help a long way.


  1. One can be creative and still professional :-)

    No worries, the first certification exam is always the hardest. The important fact is you passed!

    Yes, staying ahead even by a little does help a long way. You will find Microsoft Excel quite useful ^_^

  2. One thing I see that is consistent for using power point or any slide presentation is that Less is more my COM 101 teacher even got it down to L=M in really big font to drive the message home.

  3. First of all congratulations on passing the MO-100. Secondly awesome job on the presentation. Staying ahead of the game is a good thing. As I write this I am currently on vacation in NC with family. Being that I have passed the MO-100 as well I was told to say a way from homework and enjoy my time. Keep trucking lady great job.

  4. Congratulations on passing your MO-100. I strongly agree with you that staying ahead will help a long way. It's better to stay ahead just in case something comes up, which most of the time it does. We are almost halfway done. let's keep pushing forward.

  5. Congratulations. Your presentation was excellent. don't sell yourself short on anything. You have accomplished a lot and be proud of it.

  6. Yay! Congrats on passing MO-100!! You taking 6 classes in one semester is an inspiration. I hope I can do the same one day with all the helpful tips you gave me. Thank you for all your help, I appreciate you!

  7. Dear, is everything all right with you? I didn't see you in class this week. I was worried about you! Your Presentation was perfect and professional! I learned a lot! Thank you very much.

    1. Hi Rui. Thank you for worrying. I was sick. I will be in this coming Saturday for sure.

  8. Congrats on passing the MO-100 exam!! Onto the next chapter... I am trying to stay ahead as well.

  9. Congrats on passing MO-100 exam. Staying ahead will definitely help if something unexpected happens.

  10. Congratulations to you! I am on the same boat, a little ahead.

  11. I suck at taking exams too. In my math class, I always nail the homework and test review, but when it comes to the actual test day I always blank out on at least 3-5 questions. I really liked your presentation from last week! It inspired me to add animated images to my presentation but in the end I figured it wouldn't work with the style I was going for.

  12. Yaaay! Congrats! Good luck to everybody :)

  13. Some of us have the idea that a presentation must be delivered in a professional manner, but I think, the message should be more along the lines of "I know what I'm presenting."

  14. Great job on your presentation! I also struggled a bit with the first exam.
