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Saturday, October 15, 2022

5.8.3 Chart Facts

Bars, Lines, Pies and Column Charts

    Excel can be complicated, frustrating, exciting, and sophisticated at the same time.  Section 5.8 of chapter 5 was fun and educational for me.  Learning how to create and modify charts is essential for businesses.  Charts in essence, give life to data that otherwise can be confusing on a plain spreadsheet.  In other words, charts provide visual representation of information making it easier to understand.  

    Charts are easily customizable, moveable, and re-sizeable.  The tabs in Excel make it so easy to manage data and charts.  They can be used to interpret many types of information such as sales, statistics, comparisons, analytics, gains and losses.  I mean literally the use of charts is endless.
Charts and Graphs


  1. Most people are less comfortable when looking at a large amount of numbers, visual charts help mitigate that and invite the audience in :-)

    Microsoft Excel does make creating and modifying charts easy!

    Choosing the most appropriate type of chart for a given scenario requires some thinking instead of just choosing the most visually pleasing type. One of my later in-class presentation/demonstration will cover this ^_^

  2. I just finished 5.8 it was great to know how to work with charts. Now my work should look more professional.

  3. Look forward to that section. I am getting close to it. Sounds fun.

  4. This was also my favorite section in chapter 5. I enjoy how the data we have can be converted into any type of graph.

  5. I am only a few sections into chapter 5, so far it has been enjoyable.

  6. Looks like an interesting section. Looking forward to it.

  7. Graphs and charts are great for people who just want to see the "big picture". They aren't so worried about the details, like all the numbers you needed to input to get to the total on the graph/chart.

  8. Very interesting chapter on Excel was the charts

  9. I am not there yet but I am curious to see more about charts since I currently do not use them.

  10. The purpose of a chart is to visualize the data, that is, to represent the boring data with shapes, colors, and even images, to highlight the data's most important characteristics and conclusions.

  11. I look forward to working with different type of charts in Excel when I go through LabSim!

  12. True I look forward to diving deep into Excel.

  13. I do not use charts but thank you for sharing about them! I hope to get into them soon.

  14. I completely agree, and I truly appreciate how quickly Excel can generate a chart using the data one provides. It also updates as you enter new data or modify existing numbers.

  15. I've always seen so many interesting charts and graphs, it's very cool to learn how to make them myself!
