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Monday, November 7, 2022

Its Not Magic, Its Excel

It Has Come To Pass

Excel did not beat me, I beat Excel.

    Over the weekend, I put so much time and effort into completing my practice Exams A and B.  Oh my goodness, did I have a hard time on a few questions.  After much research, trial and error, teeth grinding, and headaches, I was at a point of giving up.  Sunday evening, I received an email from Mr. Wu saying he had an open slot for me to take the exam between 6:30 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.  I wanted to crawl under the darkest place of the universe. Fear!  My fear of the Excel exam tried to pull me down.  But no, I said to myself, I can do this.  I explained to Mr. Wu that I did not feel comfortable taking the exam because I was having issues with some of the questions.  After all, I hadn't even started on Form B at the time.

    Can anyone guess what happened next?  Correct!  Webex meeting. 👍  Mr. Wu helped me figure some of the problems in Form A by giving me subtle hints and I was able to get the problems correct after a few times.  By the time we finished, I decided it would be best to wait till today, Monday, November 7, 2022 to give myself time to Finish both Form A and B practice exams.

    Later this afternoon, I tackled Form A and got 100%.  I also started on Form B only to encounter a terrible =IF function on a couple of the questions.  These were strange, needless to say.  Then, I get a text.  Guess who from?  Correct again, Mr. Wu!  Webex meeting 2. 👏 <--(clapping)  We go over some of the problems I was having and figured them out.  After disconnecting, I worked on Form B some more to improve my score and eventually completed with 100% after a few more tries.  

    I contacted Mr. Wu, told him I was ready.  I completed and passed the exam on the first try.  What excitement I felt after my accomplishment.  I've never been so happy to finish an exam like today.  Thank you Mr. Wu.  You are the best.

    Excel has been tough on me, but I Excel'd and conquered.


  1. You excelled and conquered indeed :-)

    Excel did not beat you, you beat Excel ^_^

    Your fighting spirit and scoring 100% beyond the 80% required for the green check in LabSim on EVERYTHING (including practice exams), makes you THE Top Dog!

  2. Congratulations on passing the MOS-200! Your study ability and learning perseverance is what I admire!

  3. Yayyyyy! Next on your to-do list is tackle MO-300 and publish it on your blog sidebar. Now that I think about it, the =IF function really got to me when I was doing that section about a week ago. Oh Lord... I hope I can get through it

  4. Wow, Silvia! I did not even get a perfect score on those practice exams. You are awesome for going that extra mile. Congrats on passing! Isn't it a great feeling? On to the next!

  5. I had issues with the IF function as well on the "A" and "B" tests as well. I am glad to see you passed the exam.

  6. Congratulations. Job well done. Professor Wu is fantastic. He makes the class fun.

  7. Congratulations! The practice exams were quite difficult, I’m glad you kept pushing to achieve 100%. On to the next certification and many more.

  8. Congrats!! It is all worth it, getting it done and over with. Congrats on your high scores as well. Onto the next lessons and practice.

  9. Congrats on passing on passing the MO-200 exam. Getting 100% on practice exam is impressive.

  10. Girl, you got 100% on BOTH practice exams?!? Kudos to you! I didn't even try to get 100% on any practice exam, I was happy passing with 80%. Hahaha
    Congrats on passing MO-200! The rest will be smooth sailing from here. I'm sure you'll breeze through PowerPoint.

  11. You demolished Excel congratulations.

  12. I am glad to hear that you "Excel".

  13. Excel was hard for me as well I also encountered issue with form B as well but did power through them and did go though it with Mr. Wu too. Congratulations on passing.
