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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Planning, Preparing, Weighing Options

Looking Ahead & Preparing

Spring 2023 Semester

    Long before open enrollment became available for Spring 2023, I had my classes selected.  After all, I need five classes to graduate.  The last three core classes are of high importance because I have to take those classes in order to graduate.  Electives gave me wiggle room to play with. 

    The biggest concern with classes at CSN in my personal experience, they are very limited.  Another concern is that there are classes that will not happen, even if you were enrolled.  A day or two prior to classes starting, you will notice the class was cancelled, then you can end up scrambling to find a replacement.  This is a fact! It happened to me for COM 101 for the Summer 2022 semester.  Luckily, I found a replacement for a later time of the day.  It could be due to low enrollment, change of staff, or any number of reasons.  Curriculums change occasionally.  

    My process to getting the right schedule and classes is long and tedious, but I've learned the hard way that it is a necessary process to get the classes you want and need.  If you don't enroll immediately, some classes can fill within the first few hours of open enrollment.  That happened to me twice already and it is frustrating to find classes to fit your schedule, especially if you want to have in person or hybrid classes, which I enjoy more than online classes.

    After enrolling, at least once per week, I check on the class enrollment numbers to get an idea of where the class is heading.  By this time, I noticed one class I really wanted to take was actually dropping in enrollments.  Another class changed and was no longer available.  To make a long story short, I had to change a total of three classes to get the schedule and requirements I need to fulfil my educational requirement for graduation.  I can say I am content with what I have now.  I am looking forward to graduation!



  1. A final semester with five classes, one less than this semester ^_^

    You can definitely do it!

    Thank you for sharing your experience of enrolling in classes, I hope it helps those who are green to college class enrollment or have yet to encounter what you experienced :-)

  2. I had struggled over the summer semester to fill in for the gap between Spring and Fall. I chose 5 different Astrology 103 courses that all got canceled due to low enrollment and had to decide on waiting out a 5 credit MATH course for the Fall to take 2 three credit courses over the summer. In the end I went with the 5 credit MATH course and managed to find a AST 103 course that did not cancel.

  3. I always select my classes for the next semester as early as possible. For Spring 2023, I have 5 classes as well. I was contemplating on easing the workload by taking off a class, but then I'd have to take it over the summer along with another course I already planned to take. So, 5 classes it is! It doesn't matter anyway because I'm already done with my associate's degree by summer either way (thank GOD), and I can finally transfer to UNLV for my bachelor's. I'm rooting for you all the way to graduation! :)

  4. I haven't picked my classes cause I have no idea how busy work is going to be. I've already been told we have double the work next year then this year. I only need 4 classes to graduate.

  5. I normally enroll in my classes as early as I can since some of Classes are high demand. I will enroll 3-4 classes in this coming Spring semester due to my CCIE exam.

  6. I do the same thing. Planning ahead and checking your class enrollment periodically definitely helps have a smooth semester. I hope your last semester goes well.

  7. I didn't know all this! Thanks for sharing Silvia. I definitely need to go check my classes for next semester now. I'm so happy for you that you got all the classes you need to graduate. Woohoo!

  8. I am not ready for next year. Just kidding. I have to be meticulous when getting ready and prepared for the next semester. I still have quite a few credits to obtain. I totally understand how it feels when classes and curriculums change. I hope your last semester goes extremely well.

  9. *Applause* Now to go look at my classes for next semester.

  10. It definitely is a bummer when you think you have thought of everything only to find out things still managed to change.
