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Saturday, October 29, 2022

Business Reports


Using Microsoft Word and Excel

    The biggest assignment of my entire college career is to create a corporate style informational report.  It is a two week project that entails using Microsoft Word and Excel.  Then, the following week's assignment is to create a ten minute PowerPoint presentation based on information from the report.  These two assignments are so exciting for me because they will allow me to use my creativity in a professional manner and expand on the knowledge of what I have already learned in IS 101-3012.

There are many elements that have to go into this assignment.  For example:

  • Report Cover
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary or Abstract/Synopsis
  • Introduction or History
  • Body of Information
  • Graphics (pictures, graphs and charts)
  • Primary Research (survey or questionnaire created by me)
  • Secondary Research (comparable date from other sources)
  • Summary or analysis
  • References

    My biggest challenge with this assignment was creating the survey to fit my topic.  The rest is going to be fairly easy.  It is only a matter of organizing all my data and formatting the report using the Word features and using Excel to create my graphs and charts based on my survey or questionnaire results, then using PowerPoint to create my presentation.

    Will you kindly participate in my survey to help a fellow student out? Copy and past the link into your browser to complete the survey.  


It is short and should take no more than 10 minutes of your valuable time.

     Going into week 10 of the semester, I know things were pretty chaotic at the beginning, now that I have finished with two classes an started my two new classes, I feel less stressed out and I am so excited to see the final product of these assignments.  


Saturday, October 22, 2022

What's Lost Is Lost.

It's Been A Long Week Of Recovery

Entering week 9 with a positive outcome.

    As a kid in school, perfect grades were not my top priority.  Believe it or not, perfect attendance was.  I don't know why, but good grades were my second goal.  If I was sick, I was still in school.  Back then, teachers did not send kids home if they were sick, unless they threw up.  It didn't matter how I got to school, I got there.  And yes, I did have great grades.  What's weird, I hated school, but I always wanted to be there.

    Ever since I came back to college, my grades are my top priority, but my attendance is still a top priority for me.  So far, I've had perfect attendance until this past Saturday.  There was no way I was gong to make it.  I was so sick, I ended up in the hospital for a couple of days.  Devastated that my perfect attendance record is gone didn't make it easier.  But I realized, this is the reason I worked so hard to get ahead in my studies.  My "falling behind barrier" came into good use.  Luckily, I am still slightly ahead.  I've recovered well enough to get back to classes and I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday.

    Passing the halfway mark of the semester with two completed finals and ready for the next two classes.

Saturday, October 15, 2022

5.8.3 Chart Facts

Bars, Lines, Pies and Column Charts

    Excel can be complicated, frustrating, exciting, and sophisticated at the same time.  Section 5.8 of chapter 5 was fun and educational for me.  Learning how to create and modify charts is essential for businesses.  Charts in essence, give life to data that otherwise can be confusing on a plain spreadsheet.  In other words, charts provide visual representation of information making it easier to understand.  

    Charts are easily customizable, moveable, and re-sizeable.  The tabs in Excel make it so easy to manage data and charts.  They can be used to interpret many types of information such as sales, statistics, comparisons, analytics, gains and losses.  I mean literally the use of charts is endless.
Charts and Graphs

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Presentation and Pushing Forward

Explosion Of Creativity, Getting Ahead, Staying on Track

Welcome to week seven of the Fall 2022 Semester everyone! 

We are just about half way done.

As we all know, Mr. Wu requires us to perform professionally, so when he asked us to do the presentation, my initial instinct was to do it professionally.  In a professional presentation, it is suggested to keep transitions to a minimum or at least consistent and to minimize animations.  Little to my surprise, Mr. Wu suggested I add some creativity to my presentation (not in those exact words of course).  I was excited! I was given the opportunity to let my creativity explode again. 😊  My final draft of the presentation gave me an opportunity to explore my creativity with the slides.  Originally I added transitions but were all consistent and there was maybe one or two animations.  Mr. Wu edited the transitions to alternate in different directions and I added the finishing touches with the animations to the company logos and titles.  This was a fun project.  Thank you Mr. Wu.

So, I've been hesitant to post about this because I feel that I could have done a lot better.  Nonetheless, I did take the MO-100 exam and passed.  Even though I passed, I don't feel content because, I'll be honest, I suck at taking exams.  I didn't score as high as I wanted and hoped to, but the point is that I did my best and did pass.  

Now that MO-100 is behind me, I've moved on to Chapter 5 (Excel).  As of this post, I am slightly ahead of schedule and hope to stay ahead.  Not because I am rushing, but its an opportunity for me to create a "falling behind barrier" you could say.  Right now, I'm close to finishing two of my 6 classes and I have more tests and exams coming up within the next couple of weeks, then my last 2 classes begin.  So staying ahead even by a little will help a long way.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

So close!

MO-100 Certification Exam, Here I come.

I am hoping that within the next two days, I will have completed my MO-100 exam.  I've just finished my Microsoft Word Practice - Form A practice test.  I'll be finishing Form B shortly after this post is published.

I'm excited that I'm so close.  Getting my MO certifications has been a long time goal for me, but I was never able to on my own.


To those of you who have already completed your exam, congratulations and good luck on the Excel exam.  I am right behind you.